Cassava is a major food item in Ghana and has numerous uses and health benefits. In Ghana, cassava is processed to make Fufu which is a rich food. Other food produced from cassava includes flour, chips, etc.

Cassava is also used industrially to produce starch, ethanol, and glucose syrup, to name a few.

Is Cassava Farming a Lucrative and Profitable Business?

In economics, where demand is higher than supply, then the price must surely increase. This is the case with cassava in Nigeria. The demand for cassava products is higher than the supply, so the price of cassava products will likely rise.

This is a result of insufficient production capacity. Cassava is a very profitable business because it can be processed into different products which have export potentials.

Why Should I Start a Cassava Farming Business?

  • Cassava farming is not capital intensive as it requires a small amount to start.
  • Cassava takes a period of 6 to 10 months to reach harvest. Improved breeds can be planted twice a year, thereby giving room to make more profit.
  • Cultivating cassava is not cumbersome because the main work is mainly done during land preparation and harvest.
  • Cassava is not selective and can survive almost anywhere.

How to Start a Cassava Farming Business In Ghana

Below is the step-by-step guide on starting a cassava farm.

  1. Site clearing and Land Preparation.
  2. Land Acquisition in a good Location.
  3. Purchase of cassava stem.
  4. Planting of cassava.
  5. Weeding.
  6. Fertilizer and Manure Application.
  7. Harvesting and Sales.

1. Land Acquisition in a Good Location

This is the first step to take when starting a cassava farm. Acquire a large portion of land in a suitable location where the soil is fertile. Cassava can be grown on most soil types. However, the best soil for growing cassava is light sandy or loamy soil.

Weeding should be done to prevent the cassava seedlings from being attacked by unwanted plants. Weeding should be done carefully with hoe to avoid damaging the roots of the cassava. It is recommended that weeding be done two to three weeks after planting cassava in the field. This encourages the cassava to sprout and grow freely without disturbances.

6. Fertilizer and Manure Application

It would be best if you did this at the early stage of planting because cassava requires much manure to yield maximum results. You should apply fertilizers rich in Nitrogen because cassava requires nitrogen as an essential nutrient for its growth. Potassium and Phosphorus are also essential for good yield. Where the soil is rich in organic matter, fertilizer addition might not be very necessary.

7. Harvesting and Sales

Early-maturing cassava varieties are ready for harvesting at seven months, while late-maturing varieties are ready 12 months after planting. The proper stage for harvesting is when the leaves turn yellow, fall, and the roots mature. It is advisable to harvest cassava once it is mature. 

Most cassava is harvested by hand, lifting the lower part of the stem and pulling the roots out of the ground, then removing them from the base of the plant by hand. The upper parts of the stems with the leaves are removed before harvest.

You can make sales by taking the cassava to the local market. You can also process cassava into consumables like Garri and fufu, which can be sold much higher than the raw commodity.

How to Store Cassava

Once the roots are harvested, they begin to deteriorate within about 48 hours, initially owing to enzymatic changes in the roots and then rot and decay. The roots may be kept refrigerated for up to a week or stored in the ground for longer periods if they are not detached from the plant.


Cassava is a very lucrative business and can be started with a small amount of money. Of course, it requires intensive labor at the early stage of planting and during harvest, but you can’t compare this to the huge amount of money you will make from the business.  

If you are an agricultural enthusiast, you can try out cassava farming to explore its huge potentials. Before starting the business, it is important to get for yourself a ready market. This is because cassava perishes quickly and does not stay for long before getting rotten.

You can also process it into other final products with a longer shelf life and make money from this. Large commercial farms can produce cassava for industrial use in starch and alcohol production. Excess quantities can also be exported to other neighboring communities or countries.

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